Michelle Cobbin

Michelle Cobbin is a Brighton based painter. Since the lockdown, Cobbin has been walking on the downland close to where she lives. A natural introvert, a meditator and yogi, she is well-equipped in how to slow down, be still, and go inwards. The green chalky landscape has been a source of inspiration and rejuvenation both artistically and spiritually. Exposed hilltop fields smothered in wildflowers and grazed by sheep and cattle have become cherished places for her. Finding beauty and meaning in the simplest things is something close to her heart (some will recall her love of dandelions and other ‘weeds’ from her BareFoot ArtHouse AOH shows). The depth of connection with this landscape, together with its similarities to her native East Anglia, often triggers memories of a childhood spent playing in chalky meadows. These paintings are a meditative visual response to the feelings kindled by these experiences. New exhibition catalogue MINED.