John Brockliss

John Brockliss (1950-2023) Working exclusively with Leica M rangefinder cameras and available light John’s work is driven by two enduring creative principles: to retain the integrity of the original composition as created in-camera and to capture the essence of a transitory moment in time. Long-term projects are a strong feature of John’s reportage and documentary work.

For the past five years documentary photographer John Brockliss has explored the impact of such changes on our landscape. His new exhibition titled ‘Metamorphosis, Landscapes of change’ is a collection of powerful landscape photographs shot in high-definition monochrome at spectacular locations across seven countries.

John is also the designer and author of four photo-documentary books:
‘Camino, a photographic pilgrimage’, published in 2023, available at,
‘Deanland’, published in March 2018, available at
‘Restless, from tempest to tranquility’, published in 2016 and
‘Archipelago, a Hebridean journey’, published in 2014.